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AR/VR/IMMERSIVE Marketing - Exclusive Event - The big benefits for your business and your clients (English/Chinese) - (Registration Open)

@729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai / @上海市杨浦区通北路729号高和云峰大厦

December 7, 2023


Step into the future with our immersive AR/VR event! Join us for a cutting-edge experience where reality and technology converge. Explore new dimensions, engage with virtual worlds, and witness the latest innovations in Augmented and Virtual Reality. From mind-bending simulations to interactive workshops, this event is a gateway to a world of limitless possibilities. Don't miss your chance to be a part of the AR/VR revolution and discover the future, today!

邀您参加我们独家举办的工业级AR/VR/元宇宙活动之夜,亲身感受数字化时代的无限可能。本次活动将为您呈现前沿的AR/VR技术与应用, 让您亲身体验虚实结合的激动人心的效果。您将有机会亲身体验VR沉浸式虚拟世界, 同时了解AR增强现实技术最新进展。

活动设置了令人叹为观止的模拟互动场景,将为您打开通往无限潜力的数字化世界之门。借此良机, 我们诚邀您成为AR/VR技术变革的见证者和引领者, 发现数字化为企业带来的无限商机。

活动主题: AR/VR/元宇宙专属活动之夜 - 赋能您的企业和客户(中文演讲)

活动签到:17:30 - 18:00
活动时间:18:00–22:30 包括美味的小食、免费的招待酒及无酒精饮料

活动人数: 不超过35人

演讲嘉宾: 罗智文(RESS)/陈彬(HACKLTECH)

活动费用: 220元人民币

支付方式: 请点击YoPay支付链接, 活动提供发票

活动地点: 上海市杨浦区通北路729号高和云峰大厦


17:30 – 18:00 签到及招待酒

18:00 – 18:10 Digital Elite创始人开场致辞,分享关于数字化的洞见、介绍本次活动主题、发言嘉宾及参与观众

18:10 – 18:40 AR/VR与元宇宙在企业、客户及未来市场中的应用  – 演讲嘉宾罗智文(RESS)会现场进行案例分享

18:40 – 19:10 在数字化时代,AR数字化协作平台如何赋能服务和维修维保 – 演讲嘉宾陈彬(HACKLTECH)会现场演示AR眼镜及AR协作平台

19:10 – 19:30 Digital Elite创始人结束致辞

19:30 – 22:30 美味小食及交流讨论

Topic: AR/VR/METAVERSE Exclusive Event Evening - The big benefits for your business and clients

Date: 07. December 2023
Registration Time: 17:30 - 18:00
Event Start: 18:00 – 22:30 inclusive awesome Fingerfood, Free Alcoholic Drinks (Wine) and Free Flow Non-Alc Drinks.

Limited Tickets: 35

Speaker List: Ric Luo, Managing Partner, RESS, Binnie Chen, HACKLTECH

Price: 220 rmb

Payment: Per YoPay (use YoPay link below)  Fapiao will be provided.

Location: 729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Event Agenda:

17:30 – 18:00 Registration and Welcome Drink

18:00 – 18:10 Opening Speech of Digital Elite Founders about Digitalization Importance / Introduction of Topics, Speakers and Audience;

18:10 – 18:40 AR/VR & Metaverse for Business, Clients and the insight of the future Market incl. real use cases and Live Show presented by Ric from RESS

18:40 – 19:10 AR Digital Industrial Platform for Service and Maintenance in Digitalization Age – Experience Live Use Cases with the Global AR Platform and AR Glasses

19:10 – 19:30 Event End Speech of Digital Elite Founders and Start with Open Network

19:30 – 22:30 Networking and Discussion with exclusive fingerfood

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